Rediscovering Wikipedia: Harnessing Its Power



This semester I have begun to discover to what degree I have underestimated the value of Wikipedia and the degree to which it has matured since it first was created. I now better understand why it ranks so highly among learning tools on Jane Hart’s list of top tools for learning.  Belatedly I am beginning to respond to Mahzarin  Banaji’s 2011 call for action to harness the power of Wikipedia.

Jane Hart ranking of wikipediaWikipedia provides excellent resources (and online support) for incorporating Wikipedia assignments into courses.

  1. Discussions of plagiarism and how to avoid it
  2. Instructor resources
  3. Guides for Editing
  4. Suggestions for Creating Realistic Student Expectations

Maybe next semester I’ll turn my attention to Wikipedia’s history of Carroll. It needs some updating and i have 40 years of documented facts:)