Curious David Redux: Learning Resources Surround Me

Reflecting on the last 50 years of learning…

It has been an interesting number of learning years since when I studied Latin at Howland High School in Warren, Ohio.

SpanishI’ve outlived many of my best teachers but am continually blessed with opportunities to learn from and with those much younger than I. One can indeed, with patience and compassion, teach an old dog new tricks. I regularly learned valuable lessons from Robin the Newf even when she was ailing.

Robin the Newf Celebrates a New Year and Her 9th
Lesson: How to make good use of a couch.
Lesson: Couch 102

Surrounding myself with bright young student assistants has always proven for me a valuable source of learning.

S-TEAM 2013

I continue to learn much from observing, listening to, and playing with my grand-nieces and nephews. They so often make me smile, laugh, and give thanks.

Abby and Annie approach the North Lake mascot, Robin


****Christmas 2014
Annie (age 3) works up the courage to give Robin a kiss.

Greg Schneider, my business partner and his wife Jane, continually provide me with opportunities to grow, to learn,to think and to share my areas of expertise while benefiting from their wisdom, experiences, and business acumen. And I learn from Greg about fishing on North Lake during our annual celebration of our partnership!

Greg Schneider, Consulting Partner, Friend, and Mentor

Adventures in Carroll Land – I've been teaching here half my life…

Curious David Shares Secrets of Grading During the Christmas Holiday Season: My Magic Hat

Yet to be done:
1) Grade 18 papers critiquing and contrasting “The Scrooge Effect: Evidence that Mortality threat Salience Increases Prosocial Attitudes and Behavior” and “God is Watching You: Priming God Concepts increases Prosocial Behavior in an Anonymous Economic Game.”
2) Grade 20 twenty-page Statistics and Experimental Design Exams (having already graded 14).
3) A Planning and Budget Committee Meeting. I’m still pondering whhich hat to wear: Carroll College? DumbleDave? Santa Dave? Scrooge? Maybe I need a sorting hat?
Sorting hat

I must discipline myself so that I can return to reading The Book of Strange New Things and Tris Hussey’s WordPress Absolute Beginner’s Guide.