DO I HAVE A DEAL DECAL FOR YOU! I just discovered several hundred decals that I must have obtained from our Alumni Office (when it was called that) when my students and I used to do surveys of Carroll COLLEGE alumni. I consider these priceless memorabilia but I am willing to give them to any former Carroll student who wants one and is willing to share with me one “Carroll Moment”—a brief reflection (positive or negative) on this blog and who also will send to me a snail mail address (send it to my Carroll email address) so that I can in turn send you a decal! I’d love hearing from you. Send me a photo from your Carroll days, and I’ll send you two decals. Offer good until I run out.
Here are some “facts” about Carroll today.
Hope that you can share with me a Carroll Moment. Keep those Facebook, Twitter, and Linkin messages coming. It is fun to stay in touch!
I have so many favorable Carroll memories, but I will share a funny story. I was the only physical therapy student from my class to come back and walk graduation in May of 2004. When it was time me to walk across the stage, the announcer said to Dr. Hopp, “You may now hit your graduate.” What she meant to say was “you may now hood your student.”
I loved the small size of Carroll and that it was easy to be involved in activities and cheerleading. I was back about 18 months ago to tour the new grad building. It is definitely an upgrade over the trailer in the parking lot!
I remember, Becki, how important cheerleading was to you.
Thanks for sharing the story. It was a hit!
I enjoyed the aspect of having professors for multiple classes and smaller class sizes. I hope they have been able to keep that number close to the 30 mark still! Something about a beautiful small campus and being able to have your adviser for 3 different psych courses!
What’s your Carroll email?
Thanks, Emily. My email
Fun story: Over the summer I would work at the library and there was always a flash flood that would happen once or twice during that time. I remember one of these occurance where it was time to leave and it was pouring buckets outside and we all darted to the safety of our cars. Mine was in the Campus Center parking lot so I had to ford the river that East Ave had become – laughing the entire time! What an adventure!
I forgot that you worked in the library. Libraries have do changed since you were here.Got your address and nice email . I shall mail your decals today.
I have so many fun memories at Carroll so hard to pick just one. I think a good one is hanging out on main lawn pretending to study but mostly enjoying the warm weather and the company of good friends.
I, too, hung out on the lawn— with the same results. There is much less lawn space now and many more students. Still, many opportunities to develope good, life-long friendships.