It’s about Time…


It is about time to discard my invisibility cloak and return to campus. TIME is the campus -wide theme 2014-2015 for Carroll University (Waukesha, WI, USA) where I teach. Across the course of my 36 years of teaching, I have enjoyed creating special courses (‘Why War?” “Happiness” “Pioneering Web 2.0 Technology Tools”) when I have been allowed total control over the course. Were I to offer a course on this year’s theme, I would include the following required reading and videos:

Published by

David Simpson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Carroll University (USA). Love reading, learning, teaching, dogs. Longstanding interest in computer-mediated communication and learning tools. Increasing interest in global outreach and learning from others abroad. So much yet to learn and to share. Rapidly approaching retirement decision. Love to hear from you!

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